
Direct Taxes

Planning and structuring of salary, computation of advance tax/tax withholding, initialregistration with the Indian Revenue authorities, preparing the annual personaltax return and submitting annual tax returns with the Indian RevenueAuthorities.

Time to time planning and advise on corporate tax,corporate dividend tax issues, determining and depositing advance taxes andsubmitting the annual return of income with the revenue authorities.

Time to time planningand meeting of all compliance requirements related with tax withholding requirements such as initial registration with the Indian Revenue authorities,monthly calculation of tax withholding liability, issue of tax withholdingcertificates, preparation and filing of annual tax withholding return with the

Tax Withholding Returns
The FinanceAct, 2003 has made filing of Annual Tax Withholding Return in a computer media.Our firm has developed expertise in preparation, filing and validation of reurns on computer media

CrossBorder Taxation
Planning for investments through efficient route by utilising tax treaties between India and other countries, payment of royalty/fee for technical services, etc. We doalso assist in preparation of remuneration structure of expatriate employeeskeeping in view of Indian Tax Laws and benefits available through tax treaties.

Understanding of clients' business in detail and inidentifying international transactions, computation of the arms length price('ALP') for international transactions, and selection of the best method tocalculate ALP, assistance/guidance for mainteneance of documentation to be keptin regards to selecting of the best method and issuing audit certificate asprescribed by the Indian Revenue Authorities.

Compliance and Representation
Timely preparation of and filing of statutory documents with the Indian Revenue Authorities and representation before theauthorities for various matters such as verification of tax withholdingreturns, assessment and appellate proceedings for annual income tax returns,recovery proceedings and such other matters as may arise from time to time.

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